Is your website not getting found? Has website traffic fallen and you don’t know why? Have you just redesigned your website and traffic has disappeared?

Whatever the issue, my SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Services will ensure your website appears in relevant search results in search engines like Google, bringing more qualified, targeted traffic to your website.

What’s Included in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Services?

On-Page SEO

I will optimise your website’s content, meta tags, headers, URLs, and images to improve relevance and search engine visibility while enhancing user experience.

Off-Page SEO

I will build high-quality backlinks, utilise social media to drive traffic, promote your brand through online PR to increase website authority and search engine rankings.

Technical SEO

I will ensure your website is structured for easy navigation and search engine crawlability, address any technical issues to improve indexing, through SEO best practices.

One of the fundamental principles of SEO is answering your visitors’ questions, improving their experience, and boosting site ranking.

Search engines are sophisticated, evaluating your web pages based on word choice, context, and combinations.

At AdvanSEO Marketing, I skillfully combine words, phrases, and context to deliver relevant content and help you rank higher.

My SEO Belfast and SEO Northern Ireland services are designed to research the most effective keywords relevant to your business and embed them strategically within your website content. SEO isn’t just about ranking; it’s about building traffic, achieving success, and staying on top of search engines.

My Approach to SEO

At AdvanSEO Marketing, I take a holistic approach to SEO strategies, beginning with a thorough audit of all your existing assets. Once completed, I will provide you with a comprehensive SEO Action Plan that outlines and justifies all proposed activities. Your online presence and ranking are crucial factors when venturing online, and our aim is to ensure your business website not only ranks efficiently but also attracts the relevant audience to boost your visibility and conversions. 

Why Utilise My Services?


I strictly follow ethical practices, serving only one client per niche in each location and adhering to Google’s guidelines.


With extensive experience, I stay ahead of industry trends, offering comprehensive in-house SEO services and staying updated with the latest changes.


I provide personalised strategies to align with your unique business goals and budget, ensuring precise audience targeting for optimal results.


My clear and insightful reporting keeps you informed, while flexible month-to-month contracts provide peace of mind.

Common Questions Asked about SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is a strategic process employed to enhance a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), with the goal of driving organic (non-paid) traffic. This multifaceted approach encompasses various elements, including keyword research, content optimisation, technical SEO, and backlink acquisition, each tailored to align with the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines like Google.

A study by BrightEdge revealed that organic search is the primary driver of web traffic, accounting for over 50% of all visitors. This statistic underscores the immense value of SEO in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, serves as a pivotal component in the digital marketing ecosystem, designed to enhance your website’s visibility and performance in search engine results pages (SERPs). By aligning your website’s content, structure, and user experience with the criteria set forth by search engines like Google, SEO will increase your site’s ranking for specific, strategically chosen keywords and phrases. Here’s a breakdown of what SEO can achieve for your website:

Increases Organic Visibility: Implementing SEO increases the likelihood of your website appearing higher in SERPs for relevant queries.

Drives Targeted Traffic: Through keyword research and optimisation, SEO attracts users with specific intents that align with your offerings, thereby enhancing the quality of traffic to your website.

Enhances User Experience: SEO involves optimising various elements of your website, such as its structure, navigation, and content, to not only make it more search engine friendly but also to improve the user experience.

Builds Credibility and Trust: Websites that rank higher in search results are often perceived as more trustworthy and authoritative.

Provides Competitive Edge: SEO enables your website to stand out and secure a prominent position in SERPs, ensuring that potential customers find you first over your competitors.

Ensures Long-Term Growth: Unlike paid advertising strategies, the benefits of SEO are enduring. The investments made in SEO, from content creation to technical improvements, continue to yield returns over time, contributing to sustainable growth in traffic and brand authority.

Carried out correctly, SEO will improve the online presence of your business website and achieve a large number of high positions for relevant search phrases on the major search engines. It will:

  • Establish a comprehensive presence on the major search engines under a variety of search phrases relevant to your business and specific to the area and market you wish to promote to;
  • Drive targeted traffic/ visitors to your website
  • Minimises the gap between what web users are looking for and the placement of your business
  • Develop your online presence and online brand
  • Achieve high ranks on the natural listings;
  • increase brand penetration and therefore optimise the brand ‘message’;
  • Raise your business profile and draw potential customers to your website and place your business in the mind of those looking for your services

Optimising your website is a critical strategy within digital marketing that encompasses a wide range of practices designed to improve your site’s performance, user experience, and visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). The rationale behind website optimisation is multifaceted, with each aspect contributing to the overarching goal of enhancing your online presence and driving business growth. Here’s why website optimisation is indispensable:

1. Maximises Visibility in Search Engines

Website optimisation involves tailoring your site’s content, structure, and on-page elements to align with search engine algorithms, notably those of Google.

2. Enhances User Experience

A core component of website optimisation is improving the user experience (UX). This includes speeding up page load times, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and creating an intuitive site architecture.

3. Drives Targeted Traffic

Effective website optimisation ensures that your site attracts visitors who are actively searching for your products or services.

4. Builds Credibility and Trust

Websites that appear on the first page of search results are often perceived as more credible and authoritative in their field.

5. Provides Competitive Advantage

In today’s digital landscape, having an optimised website is crucial for staying competitive.

6. Supports Long-Term Growth

Unlike paid advertising, the benefits of website optimisation are long-lasting. While paid campaigns stop generating traffic the moment funding ceases, an optimised website continues to attract visitors organically, providing a sustainable foundation for growth and brand development.

Website ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) is influenced by a myriad of factors, calibrated by search engine algorithms to ensure the most relevant, high-quality results are presented to users. These factors can be broadly categorised into on-page elements, off-page elements, and technical SEO factors, each playing a crucial role in determining a website’s visibility and position in search results.

On-Page Factors:

  1. Content Quality: High-quality, engaging content that satisfies user intent is paramount. Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines emphasise E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)
  2. Keyword Optimisation: Strategic use of relevant keywords within content, titles, headings, and meta descriptions helps search engines understand the topic and relevance of a page.
  3. User Experience (UX): A seamless user experience, characterised by intuitive navigation and engaging design, contributes significantly to user retention and engagement metrics, which in turn influence rankings.

Off-Page Factors:

  1. Backlinks: The number and quality of backlinks from reputable sites remain a strong indicator of a webpage’s authority and credibility. Research by Moz indicates a strong correlation between high-quality backlinks and SERP positions.
  2. Social Signals: While the direct impact of social signals on rankings is debated, there’s evidence to suggest that content popularity on social media can enhance visibility and indirectly influence rankings through increased traffic and engagement.

Technical SEO Factors

  1. Mobile Responsiveness: With mobile-first indexing, Google prioritises mobile-friendly websites. Sites optimised for mobile devices tend to rank better in mobile search results.
  2. Page Speed: Fast-loading pages improve user experience and are favored by search engines. Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool provides actionable recommendations to improve site speed.
  3. Secure and Accessible Websites: HTTPS encryption and a well-structured robots.txt file ensure a site is secure and easily crawlable by search engine bots.
    Empirical Evidence:

Search Engine Optimisation involves various strategies for increasing a website’s visibility on SERPs to bring more organic visitors. SEO is carried out through the following methodology:

How is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) carried out?

Traditional SEO focuses on improving a website’s visibility on a national or global scale, aiming to rank well in search engine results for broad, non-location-specific queries.
Local SEO, on the other hand, targets a geographically confined audience, focusing on increasing visibility in local search results. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with physical locations or those serving specific areas.

A well-optimised GMB listing can significantly impact your business’s local search presence, driving more foot traffic and inquiries.

  1. Complete and Accurate Information:
    Ensure every part of the GMB profile is filled out in detail and accurately. This includes business name, address, phone number, and categories. According to Google, complete and accurate information can help listings better match with relevant searches.
  2. Choose the Right Categories:
    Selecting the appropriate categories is crucial as it helps Google understand what your business offers and match your listing to relevant searches.
  3. High-Quality Photos and Videos:
    Adding high-quality photos and videos to a GMB listing can increase user engagement and provide a visual insight into your business.
  4. Manage and Respond to Reviews:
    Encourage your customers to leave positive reviews and respond promptly and professionally to all reviews, both positive and negative. Reviews are a significant factor in local search rankings, and a high volume of positive reviews can improve your business’s visibility and credibility.
  5. Use Posts to Engage with Customers:
    Share updates, offers, events, and more directly on aGMB listing. Regularly posting fresh content can keep a listing active and engaging for potential customers, providing them with the latest information about your business.
  6. Optimise for Keywords:
    Incorporate relevant keywords into your business description and posts. While not as heavily weighted as website SEO, including important keywords can help Google understand a business.
  7. Keep Information Up-to-Date:
    Regularly update a GMB listing to reflect any changes, such as hours of operation, services offered, or contact information. Accurate, up-to-date information is crucial for maintaining trust with potential customers.
  8. Monitor Insights:
    Google provides valuable insights into how customers are interacting with a GMB listing, including how they found a listing and what actions they took.

I will embark on a comprehensive SEO strategy starting with thorough keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner to understand your audience’s search behaviors. My focus will be on crafting high-quality content that resonates with your audience, coupled with meticulous on-page optimisation of elements like title tags and meta descriptions to enhance user engagement. I’ll also prioritise improving your website’s structure for better navigation and ensure it’s optimised for mobile users, given the growing trend in mobile browsing. Recognizing the importance of page speed, I will employ tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to enhance loading times. Building quality backlinks will be a key part of my strategy to signal the credibility of your content to search engines.

Check out my Case Studies page for some examples of businesses I work with and relevant rankings.

Understanding the nature of SEO is crucial to setting realistic expectations. SEO is not a one-time task but a continuous process that involves various strategies and actions tailored to improve a website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).
While a timeline can vary greatly depending on the factors mentioned, a general guideline is as follows:

1-3 Months: Initial technical SEO improvements can lead to some visible changes. This phase often involves fixing technical issues, optimising site structure, and improving page speed.
3-6 Months: More substantial improvements may be observed as content strategies and on-page optimisations take effect.
6-12 Months: With continued effort in content creation, backlink building, and user experience enhancements, you can expect to see significant movement in rankings, including for more competitive keywords.

According to a survey by Ahrefs, only 5.7% of newly published pages reached the top 10 of Google’s search results within a year, highlighting the competitive nature of SEO.

Determining the cost of SEO in Belfast varies due to project complexities. At AdvanSEO Marketing, I offer flexible pricing starting at £400 per month. My comprehensive SEO strategies encompass technical optimization, keyword research, content creation, and strategic link building to boost organic traffic, leads, and sales. Website size and complexity affect pricing, with smaller sites requiring less effort. I prioritise transparency, ensuring no hidden fees, and believe in SEO’s long-term value. Contact me to find out more information.