Social Media Planning for Facebook

posted in: Facebook

Before You Start

Before you create a Facebook page for your business, it is important that you have a clear goal with your page. Here are some questions to ask yourself when you’re coming up with a Facebook Strategy:

Why should you have a Facebook Page?

  • What is your goal with your Facebook Page?
  • Who should manage your Facebook Page, and who is responsible for its performance?
  • Who do you want to reach on Facebook – and how do you plan to reach them?
  • How will you respond to negative comments? Handle unsatisfied customers?
  • How will you ensure that the objectives of your presence on Facebook is reached?

By having an answer (or at least a great guess) on these questions from the start, you avoid many beginner’s mistakes.

Types of Content to be Considered

What types of posts would you like to make?

  • General Information
  • Useful information
  • Polls
  • Updates
  • New signage within the business
  • Business information
  • New Staff/ Staff updates
  • Videos from staff
  • Info on booking appointments
  • Competitions, Promotions
  • Offers
  • Gift vouchers
  • Offers themed on time of year
  • Competitions to win vouchers
  • Product / Services Information
  • New ranges or products
  • Useful equipment used within the business that helps the service
  • Advice / PR/ Outreach Work
  • Share reviews
  • Work carried out in the community- ie with schools
  • Events attended
  • Business sponsorships
  • Charitable work
  • Useful videos on choosing glasses
  • Sharing useful links
  • Mark international days

Social Media Planning

A structured approach is a good idea to better utilise your time. Specific days could be drive content ideas (and you don’t need to do something every day- this is just an example for you to pick and choose from):

Monday- share video or article on something related to the business

Tuesday- focus on a product range

Wednesday – Post recommendations

Thursday – focus on customer service, ask customers if they need anything, provide contact details, talk about member of staff, etc

Friday – something more lighthearted, something more fun based

These are just examples and of course, posts can be more frequent or more specific. There are no hard and fast rules other than to try and keep a steady flow of communication going out to customers.

Collecting Further Content

It’s always worthwhile making sure that you keep collecting information that can be used for future posts:

· Ask customers what are their main issues and write a post regarding the issue with a solution.

· Ask for referrals

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