15 Website & UX Statistics for Businesses, Large AND Small

The team from UK Web Host Review shared some quite amazing web design and UX stats that are really vital pieces of info business needs to know!

Their overall findings

  • 75% of people base credibility by a website
  • 53% of mobile users will leave after 3 seconds
  • 59% of people prefer a beautifully designed website
  • 86% of visitors want information about products and services
  • 1% of users interact with website sliders
  • 94% of people won’t trust an outdated website
  • 70% of small businesses miss call-to-actions
  • 50% of eCommerce revenue is from mobile users
  • It takes just 0.05 seconds to form a design opinion
  • 44% of users will leave if there’s no contact information
  • Slow image loading times can cause 39% of users to abandon
  • You have on average 10 seconds to impress
  • 2 out of 3 minutes spent online are via mobile
  • Video content 53x more likely to reach the first page of Google
  • 70% of people pay attention to bulleted lists

To view the associated infographic, click here https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/15-website-ux-stats-to-guide-your-web-design-process-in-2020-infographic/583908/

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