Google CTR within the First Page Results

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A study of billions of search results finds over a quarter of Google searchers click on the first organic result.

Sistrix- a well known SEO tools development company- have analysed over 80 million keywords and billions of search results in order to better understand clickrates in Google Search.

Clickrate- or CTR- shows how many people have ‘clicked through’ on a link.  The placement of your website listing in search engine results can determine your user clicks, with many users not going to the second page of SERPs.

This report looks at the difference in CTR within the first 10 organic results.

The overall findings of the research found:

  • The average CTR for the first position in Google is 28.5%
  • Beyond position 1 the percentage falls quickly: In the second position, the average clickrate is 15.7% and the in the third position, 11%
  • In the tenth position, only an average of 2.5% of people searching click on the result.
  • Featured Snippets (23.3%) and Knowledge Panel features (16.7%) also reduce the organic clicks.
  • In general, where there are more different elements and integrations in the SERPs, you’ll find lower CTR figures.

Sistrix surmises that the relevance of the search intention continues to increase and that in the future, we will also see increasing relevance for “On-SERP-SE

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