Maximise Presence on Facebook

posted in: Facebook

The high ranking status of Facebook makes a Facebook business page an important source of ongoing internet traffic. So how do you utilise your Facebook business page to help maximise your online presence?

Increase Content

Whatever product or service you provide, make sure to provide a regular stream of useful information to your followers. Whether it’s details of new products, letting users know if there are any free spaces, information about events to be attended, photos of competition winners- remember to keep your customers informed in a timely manner .

Update Content Regularly

High quality content posted regularly to the business Facebook page can increase search engine optimisation by encouraging visitors to repost and link back to your page.

Customisable Tabs + Apps

You can now choose what tabs or apps you want people to see. This is where brands have the opportunity to promote apps that are beneficial to the achievement of business goals. Promote Twitter, the blog, events… whatever is important to the brand’s current marketing objectives.

Optimise the Listing

Within the ‘Info’ section, it is possible to increase search engine optimisation, as well as make the page more ‘findable’ itself within Facebook.

Custom Facebook URL

When your page reaches over 25 fans, it is possible to create a custom URL.

Build the Brand

On a semi regular basis, add testimonials to the Facebook page, share positive comments from posters. Also consider:

  • Utilise Friends
  • Get Friends Involved
  • Ask friends to share your page.
  • Add Tips for Friends to Like or Share
  • Add techniques or tips.
  • Getting word Out There!
  • For more example, click here

Complementary and Similar Pages

Find other similar or complementary Facebook sites and like them. Comment on them and if possible (but not spam) add a link to your site.


Competitions are a good way to garner interest in the business. In addition to this, it should be considered that FB competitions be run on the company website- for example- entry into the competition is to ‘like’ the Facebook page and share the competition details on the users Facebook page- with a token gift as prize.

Encourage others to Share

Whether promoting a new product or competition, you should always try and encourage followers to share, so as to maximise exposure.

Use Facebook for Feedback

  • Find out what type of Workshops or Training is Required
  • If planning to provide workshops or training, find out what type of workshops or training would be required or provide information of upcoming sessions, what times are most suitable

Start Conversations on Current Articles

As you write articles for a blog, ask questions on Facebook- find out how you can help your customers.

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