Improve Effectiveness of Linkedin

posted in: LinkedIn

The Personal Listing

Edit profile to claim vanity URL

This should be set to use your name (or closest match if unavailable) within the URL, for example:

Your Profile Picture and Background Picture

Use a high-quality, professional headshot, preferably 400×400 px. It is recommended you make this picture visible to everyone.

Choose a good-quality background picture that represents you or the company or cause you work for.

You can also choose a picture that represents something you are interested or passionate about. The optimal image size for your background image is 1584×396 px.

Your Headline and Summary

In your headline, describe what you do in 120 characters or less. Be original and creative but clear and informative. Make sure you include in your headline the most relevant keywords, as it makes you easier to find when looking for professionals in your field of specialization in LinkedIn.

Workplace Information

Don’t list all of your previous jobs, unless all of them are relevant to your current situation. Instead, focus on the workplaces and experiences that benefit you the most, and list your greatest achievements and areas of focus.

Your Skills

Add relevant skills, and ask your friends and colleagues to endorse you.

Ask for Recommendations

LinkedIn recommendations are becoming more and more popular and important. There are two ways to get recommendations: you can send a request to a LinkedIn contact and ask them to write a recommendation to you (or just ask them in any other way as well), or you can write a recommendation to someone and hope they write one back to you.

The Business Listing

Logo- Add logo

Logos can be uploaded as a standard logo as well as a square logo that will be used for network updates.


In the company description section, you have the opportunity to describe who you are and what you do. Include keywords that describe what you do in this section. You have 256 total characters to describe specialties. Two or three word descriptions are okay.

Links to Other Accounts

Bringing in your twitter updates and blog feed keeps your company page active, relevant and current.


Under company type and company size, you’ll select from the options that describe your status. Your company website URL link can go to your home page or to a services or gallery page.


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