Just some of the businesses I have worked with in the last number of years.
My services include SEO, Techical SEO, On Page SEO, Off Page SEO, Local SEO, SEO & Digital Marketing Consultancy, Digital Account Management, Website Audits, SEO Audits, Digital Marketing Mentoring & SEO Training and SEO Copywriting & Content Marketing Consultancy.
- Target Dry Northern Ireland
- Bee & Bramble Cottage
- AC NI Belfast Northern Ireland
- Print Ready Dublin Ireland
- Go Box Self Storage Northern Ireland
- down news northern ireland belfast marketing
- Klas Engineering Northern Ireland
- Diva Technologies Ireland
- abl group insurance northern ireland marketing belfast
- Works Services Northern Ireland
- game of thrones studio tour northern ireland belfast marketing
- mcgrady insurance northern ireland marketing belfast
- rl services forklifts and telescopics northern ireland marketing belfast
- alderwood studios furnishings northern ireland marketing belfast
- Central Source Northern Ireland
- Mantella Northern Ireland
- Laura Parkinson Photography
- ashgrove furnishings northern ireland marketing belfast
- Cherished gift company northern ireland marketing belfast
- Curlew Cottage Design
- Streamvale
- Vital Nutrition
- digney grant insurance northern ireland marketing belfast
- The Meat Van
- Moira Cosmetic Dental
- Julie A. Robinson Optometris northern ireland marketing belfastt
- Hendron Property
- Gorgeous with Curves
- Cafe Vic Ryn
- bm fabrication northern ireland belfast marketing
- jj donnelly menswear northern ireland belfast marketing
- dianes dresser northern ireland belfast marketing
- McAtavey northern ireland marketing belfast
- ibc music northern ireland marketing belfast
- Sell my Uniform
- Morrissey Chartered Accountants
- mourne breeze business solutions northern ireland belfast marketing
- solas irish craft northern ireland belfast marketing
- evolve hr northern ireland belfast marketing
- cunninghams butchers northern ireland belfast marketing
- masterkrest screen printing and embroidery northern ireland belfast marketing
- muiread kelly photography northern ireland belfast marketing
Various Clients From Over The Years…
- Visit Strangford Mountains of MourneVisit Strangford Mountains of Mourne
- Age Concern UK
- Barclaycard
- O2 UK
- AIB Bank Ireland
- Elvery Sports
- AVIS Car Hire
- Trabolgan Holidays Ireland
- Ericsson
- Dublin Convention Centre
- Lusty Beg Island Resort Fermanagh
- Ten Alps
- Madame Tussauds
- RQIA Northern Ireland
- The Helix Dublin
- London Tourist Board
- Selfridges London
- O’Callaghan Hotel Dublin
- DARD Northern Ireland
My Story..
My first steps in the world of SEO and digital marketing began back in 1999. I got the opportunity to work with a small start-up in Belfast and very much learned by way of the ‘trial and error’ method. I didn’t realise then, that by 2001, I would be working as a SEO consultant with a top UK internet company, working with acclaimed brands such as Erricson, London Tourist Board, Safeway, Aiwa and Selfridges.
This invaluable experience made me realise that my destiny belonged in the digital world. It was then that I co-founded the first integrated digital marketing and UX consultancy in Northern Ireland, Elemental Creative.
With the expressed aim of bringing targeted traffic to a website, then making a website work; we worked with a wide range of Multinationals, Blue Chips, Charities and SMEs thoughout the UK and Ireland, including Age Concern, Tesco, Barclaycard, O2, Allied Irish Bank, Northumbria Council, Momentum NI, Elvery Sports, O Callaghan Hotels Group, Digital Village, Avis, O2, Sun Microsystems, Land Registry of Northern Ireland, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, BuyandSell, Microchannel Technologies (MakeMeTop) and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board.
I took a step back between 2008 and 2013, with occasional work on some projects, so as to work around family requirements. Yet, digital marketing always called to me. In the last number of years, I have had the privilege to work on many exciting projects Game of Thrones Studio Tour being a particular highlight!). I have acquired a wide range of experience and skills working in the vast digital landscape. I provide SEO and digital marketing mentoring through a number of Northern Ireland council programmes. I am digital marketing partner with some of the top digital agencies in Northern Ireland and have clients throughout the Island of Ireland.
I set myself a standard of service for clients. I do my best for those I work with. It doesn’t matter if it’s a large organisation or an entrepreneur starting up. My belief is that my role is to guide and help. Sometimes, I can’t believe that I am still doing what I started to do back in 1999. And I still love it and still find it exciting.
Find out more about me (as well as references, View My LinkedIn Profile.