New Features on LinkedIn

posted in: LinkedIn

When looking at LinkedIn analytics a week ago, I noticed that Linkedin had started rolling out a range of new tweaks, including new Follower analytics for company pages, a new audio option for pronunciation on user profiles, and an alternative process for limiting company page invites. 

Whilst the option to ‘invite your connections to follow your company page’ has been flickering on and off for the past few months, the option to see who is following your business has been sorely missing.

LinkedIn generally provides very limited analytical information in regard to users. So for better business intelligence and information, this information will be really useful.

This information is a great opportunity to find out about new followers and reach out to them, provide them with more information, specific to their needs. It also gives marketers an opportunity to think about their LinkedIn market and craft their posts to the concerns of their interested audience. Hopefully this will remain a permanent piece of LinkedIn Analytics in the future.

For a more indepth breakdown of the change, read on:

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