Utilising Prompts for ChatGPT: How AI Prompts Can Make Your Workload Lighter

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, one term that has gained significant prominence is Artificial Intelligence (AI). With its ability to simulate human-like intelligence and perform complex tasks, AI has revolutionised many sectors. One remarkable manifestation of AI’s capabilities is ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI.

Benefits and Applications of ChatGPT

ChatGPT offers numerous benefits and finds applications across various domains. Its versatility enables it to assist with content creation, brainstorming ideas, providing explanations, answering questions, offering recommendations, and even simulating conversations with historical figures or fictional characters.

Maximising the Potential of ChatGPT

To achieve optimal results while using ChatGPT, it is essential to frame prompts effectively. Here are examples of prompts that can help you harness the full potential of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research

  • Identify the top keywords related to e-commerce that will drive the most relevant traffic to our website [Website] and increase search engine visibility. Gather data on search volume, competition, and related keywords. The keywords should be relevant to our target audience and align with our content marketing strategy.
  • Suppose you’re an SEO lead; suggest some high-volume, low-difficulty keywords for [topic of interest].
  • Provide me with long-tail, high-volume, low-difficulty keywords for [topic of interest] as if you’re a content marketer.
  • I need a table of the top competitors for ‘Topic’ and their URLs curated by a keyword strategist.
  • Act like an SEO expert having accurate and detailed information about keywords and create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to the following blog post section [blog post section].
  • Act as an SEO manager and research the top 10 SEO keyword strategies for [topic]. Organize the search intention (commercial, transactional, or informational) for the listed keywords in a table format:…
  • As a content strategist, create a compilation of X frequently asked questions about , that are pertinent for the new .
  • Suppose you’re a keyword researcher, create a list of listicle content keywords for the [topic].
  • You’re an online marketing manager, make a list of broad topics relevant to [topic] and expand each topic with a list of phrases you think your customers use.
  • Write a list of keywords related to this topic:
  • Write a list of long-tail keywords for this topic:
  • Write a list of potential search queries a user might enter to find information on this topic:
  • Write a list of potential questions a user might have about this topic:
  • Classify the following keyword list in groups based on their search intent, whether commercial, transactional or informational:
  • Cluster the following keywords into groups based on their semantic relevance:
  • Generate unique title tags, of a maximum of 60 characters, for the following text. They should be descriptive and include the term in them:
  • Generate unique meta descriptions, of a maximum of 150 characters, for the following text. They should be catchy with a call to action, including the term in them:

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Outline

  • As an experienced copywriter, generate a comprehensive, SEO-optimized blog post outline for the keyword [X], targeting an [X] audience with a conversational tone and a desired length of 1500-2000 words.
  • Suppose you’re a content marketer; create an SEO-optimized blog post outline that compares and contrasts different products or services related to keyword [X], targeting consumers with a neutral tone and a desired length of 1000-1500 words.
  • As a freelance writer, generate a comprehensive blog post outline that showcases the unique features and benefits of [X], targeting [product] enthusiasts with a persuasive tone and a desired length of 1500-2000 words.
  • As a technical writer experienced in SEO, please create a detailed blog post outline that provides a step-by-step guide for using [X], targeting beginners with a friendly and helpful tone and a desired length of 800-1000 words.
  • Act as a content marketing specialist, create a comprehensive blog post outline focused on providing tips and tricks for [X], targeting DIY enthusiasts with a conversational tone and a desired length of 1200-1500 words.
  • List the main ideas for a blog post about [subject] and present them in a table.
  • To be used in a blog post, outline the critical elements of a detailed guide on [subject] as if you’re an experienced content writer.
  • Write seven subheadings for the blog article with the title [title]; the titles should be catchy and 60 characters max.
  • Suppose you’re a content marketing specialist, write a thorough outline using a two-level heading structure for a blog article titled [title].
  • Act as a social media content writer, analyze this outline [outline], and remove/add parts if necessary to make the blog post more engaging and informative.

ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting

  • As a copywriter, write a script for a video advertisement emphasizing the benefits of reducing waste and promoting sustainability using a knowledgeable and appealing tone for eco-conscious customers. Make sure the tone is informative and persuasive.
  • As a web content specialist, draft a script for an Instagram advertisement that exudes confidence and appeals to fashion-conscious customers. The advertisement should highlight how the product keeps individuals updated with the latest fashion trends and helps them look their best.
  • As a web content manager, create a script for a YouTube video ad with a friendly tone for pet owners. The advertisement should highlight the benefits of using the product in providing comfort and better care for furry friends.
  • As a blogger, write a professional and persuasive email template for a lead-generation campaign targeting business-oriented customers. The email should highlight how the product [X] helps improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
  • As a digital content creator, draft an approachable sales letter to potential customers emphasizing the time management benefits of the product [X], as busy customers are the target audience.
  • As a copy editor experienced in SEO, craft an inspiring short story highlighting the product [X]’s features aimed at wellness-focused customers, emphasizing how it promotes a healthy balance and enhances overall happiness.
  • As a content creator, write a friendly headline for a blog article targeting family-oriented customers, highlighting the product [X]’s benefits in enabling them to spend more quality time with their loved ones.
  • As a content marketer, draft a confident social media post for a sale event targeting tech-savvy customers, emphasizing the product [X]’s ability to help them stay ahead of the latest technological trends.
  • As an experienced content writer, write an inspiring call-to-action for a landing page, targeting creative customers, highlighting the product [X]’s ability to bring their imaginative ideas to life.
  • As a social media content creator, craft a trustworthy script for a virtual event invitation, targeting security-conscious customers, emphasizing the product [X]’s ability to provide a sense of safety and security in their daily lives.
  • As a copywriter, draft a script for a Facebook advertisement with a fun and energetic tone targeting young adults. The advertisement should highlight how the product simplifies and improves their daily lives, making it easier for them to focus on the things that matter most.
  • As a content creator, write a script for a TV commercial that appeals to families with young children. The advertisement should highlight the benefits of the product in providing a safe and secure environment for kids to play and learn.
  • As a social media manager, create a script for an influencer collaboration aimed at fitness-conscious customers. The advertisement should highlight how the product enhances their workouts, improves their health, and helps them reach their fitness goals.
  • As a marketer, write a script for a radio advertisement targeting busy professionals. The advertisement should highlight how the product saves time and provides convenience in their fast-paced lives, allowing them to focus on the things that matter most.
  • As a content strategist, write a script for a Snapchat advertisement aimed at college students. The advertisement should highlight how the product provides affordable and practical solutions for their everyday needs, making it easier for them to manage their finances and live stress-free lives on campus.

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Improvement

  • Improve [text] to ensure the content is relevant and informative for the [target audience].
  • Rewrite [text] and use headings and subheadings to break up the content and make it easier to read using the keyword [keyword].
  • Paraphrase this [text] and use active voice and short sentences to make the content more readable for [target audience] in the context of [keyword].
  • Improve this [text] by adding a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage readers to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product.
  • Rewrite this [text] by including relevant quotes and statistics to support your arguments and make the content more trustworthy.
  • Paraphrase this [text] using anecdotes and storytelling techniques to make the content more engaging and memorable.
  • Improve this [text] and consider using humor, if appropriate, to make the content more enjoyable to read.
  • Improve this [text] by proofreading the content to eliminate any typos, grammatical errors, or other mistakes.
  • Rewrite this [text] by making sure the content is easy to scan using bullet points, numbered lists, and bold or italicized text.
  • Rewrite this [text] by encouraging reader engagement by asking questions and inviting comments at the end of the content.
  • Rewrite the text above using [keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3] as SEO keywords.
  • Rephrase the text above in a playful tone of voice, making it easier to read by the audience and including [keywords].
  • Act as a copywriter working in SaaS business to generate a [X] words summary of the following content while keeping the most important information and include the keyword [X] in the summary where possible:…
  • Act as a content specialist and paraphrase this blog section [blog section] to align with this blog section [blog section] in terms of tone, language, and overall style.
  • As an old comedian now working in the content marketing industry, improve this YouTube video description to make it fun and engaging; use wordplay and puns to make it more relatable as well.

ChatGPT Prompts for Technical SEO

  • Create the FAQs Page Schema markup for the following questions and answers:…
  • Generate the hreflang tags to feature in pages targeted to the [country] in [language], [country] in [language], and [country] in [language]…
  • Create the .htaccess rewrite rules to 301-redirect [source location] to [location destination] …
  • Generate robots.txt rules to block the crawl [location to block] but allow the crawling of [location to crawl] within the domain…
  • Create a valid XML sitemap containing the following URLs: [URLs]
  • Create a no-follow and canonical for [URL].
  • Act as an SEO specialist, analyze [website URL], and make improvement suggestions regarding technical SEO with the ways to make those improvements listed in a table.

ChatGPT Prompts for Creating Titles

  • Create [X] distinct title tags with a maximum of 60 characters for the text below. They must be descriptive and contain the word “keyword”:….
  • I want you to act as a fancy title generator. I will type keywords via comma, and you will reply with fancy titles. My first keywords are API, test, and automation.
  • Provide catchy blog post titles relating to the list of SEO keywords below:…
  • Make the blog article’s title, [title], more appealing.
  • Write three samples of different blog post titles with higher click-through rates for the given topic.

ChatGPT Prompts for General SEO

  • I want you to act as an SEO expert. My first request is, “I need help developing an SEO strategy for my company.”
  • I want you to act as an SEO expert. My first request is, “I need help understanding how to create an effective SEO guide.”
  • I want you to act as a social media influencer. You will create content for various platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube and engage with followers in order to increase brand awareness and promote products or services. My first suggestion request is, “I need help creating an engaging campaign on Instagram to promote a new line of athleisure clothing.”
  • I want you to act as a social media manager. You will be responsible for developing and executing campaigns across all relevant platforms, engaging with the audience by responding to questions and comments, monitoring conversations through community management tools, using analytics to measure success, creating engaging content, and updating regularly. My first suggestion is, “I need help managing the presence of an organization on Twitter to increase brand awareness.”
  • Paraphrase the following email as an SEO specialist; keep it fun and professional while paying great attention to grammar rules:…
  • Recommend X popular blogs about [niche] that cover [topic] and their URLs in a table.
  • I need you to serve as a copywriter and create a script for a webinar with an informative tone that appeals to tech-savvy individuals. The content should emphasize the benefits of staying up-to-date with the latest technology and having smooth connectivity.
  • Please act as a copywriter and craft a hashtag campaign for a product. The tone should be informative and target customers who value getting the most for their money. The focus should be on how the product helps them maximize their investments and get the most bang for their buck.
  • As a content marketer, write a catchy meta description for a blog post with the keyword [X] while ensuring that the meta description is [X] characters max.
  • As an SEO expert, I would like you to develop a strategy to improve the search engine ranking of [URL] for the keywords: “[keyword 1],” “[keyword 2],” and “[keyword 3].”
  • ➢ Be specific: Avoid asking open-ended questions that are too broad or vague. Be specific and concise in your questions to help the chatbot understand exactly what you’re looking for.

AI Prompts for Blog Posts

What are the benefits of for ?
What are the most common misconceptions about ?
What are the pros and cons of ?
What are the top trends in ?
Generate a list of blog topic ideas within
Answer the following question in a short paragraph:
Write a FAQ section about

AI Prompts for Creating Blog Post Outlines

Prompts you could use to generate some idea for blog post outlines.

  • Write a list of potential sections for a blog post on this topic:
  • Write a list of potential headings and sub headings for a blog post on this topic:
  • Write a list of potential key takeaways or points to focus in a blog post on this topic:
  • Write a list of potential tips or tricks to include in a blog post on this topic:
  • Write a list of potential challenges or problems to address in a blog post on this topic:
  • Write a list of potential solutions or answers to include in a blog post on this topic:

AI Prompts for Creating and Enhancing Blog Titles

  • Write a list of potential blog titles for this topic:
  • Write a list of catchy blog titles for this topic:
  • Write a list of actionable blog titles for this topic:
  • Write a list of descriptive blog titles for this topic:
  • Write a list of blog titles at include a call to action on this topic:
  • Write a list of log titles that include a list or number on this topic:
  • Write a list of blog titles that include keywords related to the topic:
  • Write a list of blog titles that include an emotion on this topic:
  • Write a list of blog titles that include a tip or a trick on this topic:
  • Write a list of blog titles that include a metaphor or simile on this topic:
  • Write a list of blog titles that include a question on this topic:
  • Write a list of blog titles that include a statistic on this topic:

AI Prompts for Rewriting Paragraphs

  • Rewrite this paragraph to make it more concise:
  • Edit this paragraph for grammar, flow and coherence:
  • Rewrite this paragraph to make it more engaging:
  • Rewrite this paragraph to make it more formal:
  • Rewrite this paragraph to make it less formal:
  • Rewrite this paragraph to make it funny:
  • Rewrite this paragraph to make it persuasive:
  • Rewrite this paragraph to make it more detailed:
  • Rewrite this paragraph to make it readable for a :
  • Rewrite this paragraph to change the tone to be more :

AI Prompts for Creating Headings and Subheadings

  • Write a list of potential h1 headings for this topic:
  • Write a list of potential h2 headings for this topic:
  • Write a list of potential h3 headings for this topic:
  • Write a list of potential section headings for this topic:
  • Write a list of potential sections for this topic that include a question:
  • Write a list of potential sections for this topic that include an emotion:
  • Write a list of potential headings that include a statistic for this topic:
  • Write a list of potential headings that include a list or number for this topic:

AI Prompts for Product Descriptions

Prompts you can use to create some fantastic product descriptions for your online shop.

  • Write a sophisticated paragraph about this
  • Write a list of emotional benefits for the features above
  • Write a compelling value proposition for
  • Given the key features, write a paragraph that will move customers to action in buying
  • Write an AIDA about this product
  • Create a product description using the above product technical details
  • AI Prompts for Unconventional and Unique Outputs
  • Prompts you can use to create some really unique and maybe a bit weird outputs.

Prompts for telling ChatGPT to assimilate the persona of a particular industry.

Simply replace the niche or business type to match your own:

  • Act like a legal expert: “How can law firms use content marketing to educate clients and attract new business?”
  • Act like a non-profit expert: “What are some creative ways to use social media to raise awareness and engage supporters?”
  • Act like a hospitality expert: “How can innkeepers and venues use Instagram and TikTok to showcase their services and drive bookings?”
  • Act like a mental health expert: “What are some creative ways to use social media to raise awareness around mental health and promote resources?”
  • Act like a wellness and self-care expert: “What are some creative ways to use Instagram to promote self-care products and services?”
  • Act like a financial planning expert: “What are some human-friendly, approachable and compliant ways to design marketing materials?”
  • Act like a business accounting expert: “What are some creative blog article topics to use to attract new clients?”
  • Act like a travel guide: “I want you to act as a travel guide. I will write you my location and you will suggest a place to visit near my location. In some cases, I will also give you the type of places I will visit. You will also suggest places of similar type that are close to my first location. My first suggestion request is “I am in [insert location] and I want to visit restaurants and a list of outdoor Summer activities.”
  • Act like a fancy title generator: “I want you to act like a fancy title generator. I will type keywords via comma and you will reply with fancy titles. My first keywords are: vacation, vermont, fun
  • Act like a professional speaker and expert in PowerPoint: Create the outline for a PowerPoint presentation on Artificial Intelligence & ChatGPT. Include main headings for each slide, detailed bullet points for each slide, ideas for photos for each slide and an impactful intro and closing slide.
  • Act like an expert social media manager: “I want you to act like a social media manager. You will be in charge of developing and executing campaigns across relevant social platforms, design and create posts regularly, schedule the posts, engage with the audience, handle community management, respond to comments, use analytics to manage success.
  • Now create a detailed social media strategy for the above, including 7 example posts.

Prompts for telling ChatGPT to assist in social media strategy and content creation.

  • Build a Facebook post question asking a question about
  • Write a LinkedIn post on the benefits of
  • Write a catchy Instagram headline on with emojis
  • Convert PAS framework into engaging Linkedin post about
  • Write a Facebook post highlighting the point above
  • Write a full campaign brief for a social media campaign about
  • Generate a full branding strategy for a company in the industry

Prompts for telling ChatGPT to assist in Google ads strategy and ad content creation.

  • Generate an engaging ad headline for
  • Generate an eye-catching Facebook ad about . Be brief
  • Write an AIDA for
  • Convert the attention, interest, desire, and action to an engaging ad. Include a CTA
  • Write a PAS for
  • Generate a bulleted list of ad headlines for
  • Summarize the above into 3 sentences
  • Write a bulleted list of crazy marketing ideas for
  • Suggest ideas for what to include in an ad campaign for with the initiative of..

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